2. Dog Park

Welcome to the Dog Park at Wannamaker! Did you know that last year, nearly 100,000 dogs visited our off-leash areas at Wannamaker, James Island, and Palmetto Island County Parks? Numbers like this tell us that all members of your family, including the four-legged ones, are enjoying the county parks! They also stress the need for us to work together to keep them clean and green. There are a few things you can do to join other responsible pet owners in keeping your dog parks pleasant for you and your pooch.

Dog-doo stinks, in more ways than one! Not only is it a hassle to clean off your shoes, it kills grass and can cause serious damage to our local waterways. Even though it is natural, it can pollute waterways as much as oils, paints, and other toxic chemicals. These pollutants, when not disposed of properly, can wash into storm drains that run directly into our local waterways. Once in the water, they can cause algal blooms that damage local fish & wildlife populations or even close shellfish beds and public swimming areas.

Nobody enjoys cleaning up after their dog, but look around you and you will see that most people are doing their part as responsible dog owners. You’ll notice there are bag-dispensers throughout the park – grab one on your way in and use it to clean up your dog’s waste, then deposit the bag in one of the trashcans nearby.

Thanks, and enjoy the dog park!

PHOTO CREDIT: Pet waste cartoon thanks to Brevard County, FL Watershed Management program.